
What is WordPress Hook: quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

The quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the arguments used to populate the dropdown of authors in the quick edit section of the posts list table.

Understanding the Hook: quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

The quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args hook is located within the quick_edit_dropdown() function in the /wp-admin/includes/template.php file. This function is responsible for generating the dropdown of authors in the quick edit section of the posts list table. By using this hook, developers can modify the arguments used to populate this dropdown.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

The quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args hook accepts a single parameter, $dropdown_args, which is an array of arguments used to populate the dropdown of authors in the quick edit section. Developers can modify this array to customize the dropdown according to their specific needs.

Hook Doesn’t Work: quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

If the quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. Developers should ensure that they are using the hook within the appropriate context and that there are no conflicting modifications to the dropdown elsewhere in the code.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

When using the quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args hook, developers should be mindful of the impact their modifications may have on the user experience. It’s important to ensure that any changes made to the dropdown of authors in the quick edit section are intuitive and user-friendly.

Usage Example: quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args

function custom_quick_edit_dropdown_args( $dropdown_args ) {
// Modify the arguments used to populate the dropdown of authors in the quick edit section
$dropdown_args[‘show_option_none’] = ‘Select Author’;
return $dropdown_args;
add_filter( ‘quick_edit_dropdown_authors_args’, ‘custom_quick_edit_dropdown_args’ );

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