What is WordPress Hook: signup_user_meta
The signup_user_meta hook in WordPress is used to add or modify user meta data when a new user is registered on a site. This hook allows developers to customize the user meta data that is stored when a new user signs up.
Understanding the Hook: signup_user_meta
The signup_user_meta hook is located within the wp_insert_user function, which is called when a new user is registered on a WordPress site. This hook provides developers with the ability to modify the user meta data before it is saved to the database.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): signup_user_meta
The signup_user_meta hook accepts two parameters: $meta and $user. The $meta parameter contains an array of the user meta data to be saved, and the $user parameter contains the user object with the user’s information.
Hook Doesn’t Work: signup_user_meta
If the signup_user_meta hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other plugins or themes. To troubleshoot, developers should check for any errors in their code and ensure that the hook is being called at the appropriate time during the user registration process.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): signup_user_meta
When using the signup_user_meta hook, it’s important to keep in mind that any modifications made to the user meta data will affect all new user registrations on the site. Developers should also be cautious when modifying core user meta data, as it could potentially cause compatibility issues with other plugins or themes.
Usage Example: signup_user_meta
function custom_signup_user_meta($meta, $user) {
// Add custom user meta data
$meta[‘custom_field’] = ‘Custom Value’;
return $meta;
add_filter(‘signup_user_meta’, ‘custom_signup_user_meta’, 10, 2);