What is WordPress Hook: site_details
The site_details hook in WordPress is used to modify or add additional details to the site settings or information. It allows developers to customize the site details without directly modifying the core WordPress files.
Understanding the Hook: site_details
The site_details hook is located within the wp-admin/options.php file, which is responsible for handling the site settings and options. It is typically used in conjunction with the update_option() function to modify the site details stored in the WordPress database.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): site_details
The site_details hook does not accept any specific parameters, as it is primarily used to modify the site details directly within the options.php file.
Hook Doesn’t Work: site_details
If the site_details hook does not work as expected, it may be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that are also modifying the site details. It is recommended to deactivate other plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme to troubleshoot any potential conflicts.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): site_details
When using the site_details hook, it is important to ensure that any modifications made are compatible with the overall site structure and do not conflict with other site details or settings. It is also recommended to document any changes made using the site_details hook for future reference.
site_details Usage Example: site_details
function custom_site_details($details) {
$details[‘site_title’] = ‘Custom Site Title’;
$details[‘site_description’] = ‘Custom Site Description’;
return $details;
add_filter(‘site_details’, ‘custom_site_details’);