
What is WordPress Hook: style_loader_src

The style_loader_src hook in WordPress is used to modify the URL of the stylesheet before it is printed. This allows developers to dynamically change the source of a stylesheet based on certain conditions or requirements.

Understanding the Hook: style_loader_src

The style_loader_src hook is located within the wp-includes/class.wp-styles.php file in WordPress. It is called when the get_stylesheet_uri() function is used to retrieve the URL of the active theme’s stylesheet.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): style_loader_src

The style_loader_src hook accepts two parameters: $src and $handle. The $src parameter represents the URL of the stylesheet, while the $handle parameter represents the unique identifier for the enqueued stylesheet.

Hook Doesn’t Work: style_loader_src

If the style_loader_src hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a conflict with another plugin or theme that is also modifying the stylesheet URL. It is recommended to deactivate other plugins or switch to a default theme to troubleshoot the issue.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): style_loader_src

When using the style_loader_src hook, it is important to consider the impact of modifying the stylesheet URL on the overall performance and functionality of the website. Additionally, it is best practice to use this hook sparingly and only when necessary to avoid unnecessary complexity.

style_loader_src Usage Example: style_loader_src

function custom_style_loader_src( $src, $handle ) {
if ( $handle === ‘custom-style’ ) {
$src = ‘’;
return $src;
add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘custom_style_loader_src’, 10, 2 );

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