
What is WordPress Hook: twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

The twentyfourteen_custom_header_args hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the arguments used when registering a custom header for the Twenty Fourteen theme.

Understanding the Hook: twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

The twentyfourteen_custom_header_args hook is located within the functions.php file of the Twenty Fourteen theme. It is used to modify the default arguments for the custom header, such as default text color, default image, and height and width of the header image.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

The twentyfourteen_custom_header_args hook accepts an array of parameters that can be modified, including ‘default-text-color’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘flex-height’, ‘flex-width’, and ‘header-text’.

Hook Doesn’t Work: twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

If the twentyfourteen_custom_header_args hook doesn’t work, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other functions or plugins. To troubleshoot, ensure that the hook is being used within the correct theme file and that there are no syntax errors in the code.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

When using the twentyfourteen_custom_header_args hook, it’s important to note that modifying certain parameters may affect the overall appearance and functionality of the custom header. It’s recommended to test any changes thoroughly before implementing them on a live website.

Usage Example: twentyfourteen_custom_header_args

function custom_header_args( $args ) {
$args[‘default-text-color’] = ‘000000’;
$args[‘width’] = 1500;
$args[‘height’] = 500;
return $args;
add_filter( ‘twentyfourteen_custom_header_args’, ‘custom_header_args’ );

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