What is WordPress Hook: rest_pre_get_setting
The rest_pre_get_setting hook is a specific WordPress hook that allows developers to modify the settings before they are updated or retrieved via the REST API.
Understanding the Hook: rest_pre_get_setting
The rest_pre_get_setting hook is located within the WordPress REST API process. It is triggered before a setting is retrieved or updated, allowing developers to modify the setting data as needed.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): rest_pre_get_setting
The rest_pre_get_setting hook accepts parameters such as $value, $setting, and $name. The $value parameter represents the value of the setting, $setting represents the setting object, and $name represents the name of the setting.
Hook Doesn’t Work: rest_pre_get_setting
If the rest_pre_get_setting hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect parameter usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. To troubleshoot, developers should double-check the parameters and ensure that there are no conflicts with other code.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): rest_pre_get_setting
When using the rest_pre_get_setting hook, developers should be mindful of the data being modified and ensure that any changes align with the intended functionality of the REST API. It is also important to consider any potential conflicts with other plugins or custom code that may interact with the same settings.
Usage Example: rest_pre_get_setting
function modify_setting_value( $value, $setting, $name ) {
// Modify the setting value here
return $value;
add_filter( ‘rest_pre_get_setting’, ‘modify_setting_value’, 10, 3 );