Content Options

In the WooCommerce Product Filter, after filtering, you will see which products are suitable for your filtering settings. This is an ideal way to make the purchase process really simple and enjoyable for users of your site without any special coding knowledge. Thanks to the wide functionality of our plugin, you can fully customize how the content of your filter will be displayed.

This tutorial will help you understand how to use and configure content options. This is a very important aspect of setting up an effective product filter for your store. To configure the content of the filter, go to the options menu on the “content” tab.

Content tab

Content Tab

Here you can configure the following options:

Always Filtering By All Products

This option allows searching throughout the entire website among all shop products on any shop pages.

Show Clear block

If this option is enabled, the “< clear” links appear on the page next to the filter block titles. The presets of this filter block will be deleted after clicking on the link. The default name for this button is “Clear.” But you can easily change this in the corresponding text field.

Options Content tab

Recount Products By Selected Filter

Turn it on to automatically recount product by selected filters (If the product category is loading slowly – Disable this function).

Content tab

Recount min/max price by selected filter

Automatically change min/max price by selected filters (If product category loading slowly – Disable this function).

Show parameters without products as disabled

Automatically disabled parameters without products. Works only when options Show count and Always display all… are enabled. For example, if there are no products assigned to the red attribute on the page, such filter parameter will be missed.

Sort by title after filtering

After enabling this option, all products after filtering will be sorted by title.

Checked items to the top

Let the checked terms will be on the top
Options tab

Checked Items In Bold

Toggle the option so that the checked item becomes bold.

Bold checked

Set no products found text

Here you can enter the text that your users will see if, according to the parameters they set for the product filter is not found.(input “no products found” text for category)

Filtering By Variations Attributes

After filtration will be display products with variations that have filtered attributes.

Exclude variations on backorder

If the option “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” is enabled, out-of-stock products will not be filtered. If this option is also enabled, on-backorder products will also be excluded.

product filter

Display Variations Instead Of Variable Product

After filtration by attributes will be displayed product variation instead of a main variable product.

Display “Show more”

For long vertical lists, “Show more” will be displayed. This is a very convenient option if the filter contains a lot of elements. If you use a vertical list of displaying table elements, you can enable the “Show more” option.
Now if there are too many filter elements, some of them will be hidden. To open them, click Show more.
product FIlter Content
Turn on full opening so that the list opens completely.
Show more – the list will open completely.
Show fever –  to hide the full list.

Display selected parameters of filters

Selected parameters will be displayed at the top/bottom of the filter.
product filter
Here you can enable:
  • Select the display position of the selected parameters.
  •  Clear all. Click to delete selected parameters.
  • Display child categories. Display both child and parent categories

Content tab

Autoscroll to products after filtering

This section is needed if you want a product block to be scrolled after filtration. Here you may set the animation speed. And set the retreating from products block (in px).


If one filter block is open, other blocks are closed

When you click on the block open icon, all other open blocks will be automatically closed.

Show category slugs in URL instead of IDs

Turn on only when necessary. Please note that “slug” should only contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Hide filter by title click

Content tab

Use filter titles as slugs for the filter clear buttons

Use this option if you want the title of the filter to serve as the clear button. For example, you filter by some parameter and you want to remove the filtering, so if the option is enabled, then clicking on the filter title will work as a clear button.

Filtering Of Categories List

Filtering of categories list on filter process.

Apply Parameters From The Address Bar To Display Filter Items

It comes in handy if you want to have a link to the filtered results.
Please pay attention that this option can greatly slow down page loading if you have a lot of products.

Multiblock Taxonomy Logic

Filter products by different filter blocks of categories/tags/attributes by logic and/or.

Taxonomy logic

Enable third-party prefilter

The option allows third-party plugins that do not use WooCommerce shortcodes to filter products (e.g. it is required to work Product Grid Widget with categories preselection from Essential Addons for Elementor).

As you can see with the WooCommerce Product Filter, you can display and customize the order of products after filtering, based on your preferences and your customers.

Check out our documentation to learn more about other WooCommerce Product Filter options.
Also, if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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