Custom Fields

WooBeWoo WooCommerce Product Table plugin fully supports custom fields (Pro). The plugin provides compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)  and Custom Post Type  UI which are the most popular custom fields plugins.

With its help, you are able to create any custom fields for your products – image, text, video, link, button, taxonomy, map, etc and display them as columns in a table.

Product table with an embedded map, video player, link and PDF file
AppartmentImageVideoOur locationLinkPDF
VIP Suite

Apartment LUX

#wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table {border-collapse: collapse;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper td {border-top: 2px solid #ffffff;font-family: "Helvetica";color: #000000;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper tbody tr:first-child td {border-top: none;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper tbody tr:last-child td {border-bottom: 2px solid #ffffff;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper .child table {border-collapse: collapse;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper th {background-color: #37aee9 !important;font-family: "Helvetica";color: #ffffff;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper tbody tr {background-color: #ffffff;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper tbody td {background-color: inherit;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.stripe tbody tr.even {background-color: #c9c9c9;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.stripe.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_1 {background-color: #c9c9c9;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.hover tbody tr:hover {background-color: #b5b5b5;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.stripe.order-column tbody tr.even > .sorting_1 {background-color: #b5b5b5;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_1 {background-color: #c9c9c9;} #wtbp-table-43_412120_wrapper table.hover.order-column tbody tr:hover > .sorting_1 {background-color: #a1a1a1;} #wtbp-table-43_412120 th, #wtbp-table-43_412120 td, #wtbp-table-43_412120.wtbpVarAttributes {vertical-align: middle;} #wtbp-table-43_412120 td {text-align: center;} #wtbp-table-43_412120 .thumbnail img, #wtbp-table-43_412120 .wtbpAddToCartWrapper {margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;} .wtbpModalContent {width: 80%;} .wtbpModalContent.wtbpModalContentForVariations {max-width: 600px;}


How to add the custom fields to the table

You need to install an Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or  Custom Post Type UI  plugin in order to create your custom fields. Use the ACF documentation to create your custom fields.

Make sure you select the ‘Products’ post type. This is important to make the custom field appear on the product page to fill.

Once you have created your custom field, use these instructions to display it as a column in the table.

You can create as many custom fields as you like, and list each one as a separate column.

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