Think about how much efforts and money you spend monthly on the activities to generate new leads and attract customers to your online store. Too much? And how about your conversion rates? Do you satisfy them? If you answer ‘no’ to the last question, this article is for you.
People prefer to think about selling as an art, but it’s wrong. We think, that selling is much closer to the science. Although the human nature is irrational, nevertheless we can predict some behavioral patterns. On the Internet you can find a lot of psychological articles and researches, describing how to influence the customer’s buying decision. According to them, the easiest way to compel the users to press the desired ‘buy’ button is to automate almost all ordering stages and make them really simple.
Do not rush to change radically the marketing strategy, sometimes it is sufficient to swap some elements on your site.
So, take a cup of tea and enjoy these tips!
Simple Filtering
Faceted search allows customers to find the desired product more quickly. It is based on choosing multiple attributes like price, color, size, and so on. A lot of e-commerce giants use them to increase conversions and ease of use. Despite this, only 16% of websites can provide users with good filtering experience. The most popular mistakes are:
1. Lack of category-specific filter types
For reference, if you search a camera, you also want to sort them by megapixels, zoom level, and so on. Interesting, but nearly 42% of sites forget about this. Note, that every characteristic, that appears in an item description, should, also, appear as a filtering option. For example, GILT write about materials of jackets but do not provide with the opportunity to filter by the material.
2. Lack of thematic filters
You can easily help customers find what they want by writing common queries in the filter bar. For example, “summer dress”, “ shadows for brown eyes”.
3. Lack of compatibility filters.
Some products are compatible with each other. For example, accessories, consumables or spare products. Providing them in a filter sidebar will sharply increase purchases.
4. Displaying all available filters option can overwhelm your potential customers.
Image-text balance
There is no secret, that tasty product’s images tend to increase your sales. But, on the other hand, they can also confuse users. It happens, when you do not keep the balance between text and photos, and present goods in a messy way.
One of the researches, conducted a few years ago, evidenced, that when people have too many choices, they will make a purchase more randomly. It is called “analysis paralysis”. To avoid this, structure the products in a simple and well-organized way. The most popular is to use a table.
Also, write only important information about the product, like price, naming, and rating. With all other description provide your customers on the item page.
There is an example, what happens when you do not keep the balance.
Comparison between products
When people make a purchase, they tend to be confused. Good comparison table can help customers to save the day, reduce their doubts, and improve the buying experience.
Usually, comparing tables include such options:
- Prices
- Shipping conditions
- Characteristics
- Rating, and so on.
Here how it is done in Amazon.
Quickly payment
How people making a payment is really matters. Be sure, that customers sign only a simple authorization outlining the details of their payments. Provide with different available payments options:
- With cards (VISA, MasterCard)
- With payment services (PayPal)
- With cash
Currently, a lot of e-commerce even implement the opportunity to make a purchase in cryptocurrency.
Above there is a good example of the simple checkout page. This includes:
- Item photo
- Total order amount
- Automatic filling the country field, using a customer IP address
- Easily visible buttons
- Shipping details
What it doesn’t have – it is multiple payment options.
Last thoughts
Unfortunately, WordPress capabilities are restricted to achieving these tips. But you can always rely on our plugins:
- Use the Product Filter plugin to create simple and understandable filtering
- Use the Product Table to display your goods in the best way
- Product Comparison and Pricing Tables help you make customer’s choice process more simple and fast
For each plugin, we have templates, which were smoothie designed by professionals.
Have a high rate of buyers!