Reasons Why your Filter May Not Be Working

March 8, 2022

Are you struggling with setting up the filters? Do you have issues when filtering?Doesn't work

Before starting working with the plugin, you are expected to have prepared your data to meet some basic Woo products standards before you use the filter. Get these right and you will minimize filtering hassles. Let’s find the solutions for the most common issues while setting up the filters. 

Filters Are Not Displayed on the Page 

Have you been working on the filters settings for a couple of hours? You may set the customizations settings and the appearance of the filter and when everything is done, the filters are not shown up on the page?

By default, the filters are set to be pulled out on the WooCommerce pages, so if you are trying to showcase them on regular pages on the website, you have to set the corresponding conditionals.Display on

To do so, open the Options >> Main tab, and from the Display On Pages dropdown, select the needed pages where the filters should be displayed. Display filters

The Products Are Not Filtered

The most common issue you may struggle with is that the products are not filtered.

It may happen because there are several products shortcode on the page and the filter doesn’t know which exactly is needed to be filtered.

To specify the product shortcode, you need to go to the Options >> Main tab and scroll down to the Product Container Selector field. Container selector

If there are several product shortcodes on the page, you can add a container selector that will limit the effect of this filter only inside it.

The Settings Are Overwritten After Filtration 

If you are using AJAX filtration, you may notice some strange behavior in the items. For example, there are differences in the styles of the list of products, pagination, or count-block. That can be caused by the conflict between the theme you are using and the filtres.

Force templateTo avoid such an issue, go to the Options >> Main tab and scroll down to the Force Theme Templates option. Important: for correct operation, we recommend filling the Product container selector option.

Floating Button Doesn’t Work 

If you are using the hide filters button for mobile devices, you can face some troubles setting up the floating button. It can just disappear while on mobile. The reason could be is the theme styles. 

That’s why in the settings of the filters, there is an option to set the mobile breakpoint for the correct display.Breakpoint

To do so, go to the Options >> Main tab, toggle the Set Mobile/Desktop Breakpoint option and type the breakpoint. 

Filters Don’t Work With Product Widget in Elementor 

If you are building your website with Elementor page builder but having trouble with filtering the products showcased with some addons, there is a solution for this. 

Go to the settings of the filter, proceed to Options >> Contenttab, and turn on the Enable third-party prefilter option.prefilter

This option allows third-party plugins that do not use WooCommerce shortcodes to filter products (required, for example, to work Product Grid Widget with categories preselection from Essential Addons for Elementor).

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