Full list of WooCommerce Product Filter options

This is a complete list of features available in the WooCommerce Product Filter, with links to complete instructions for each parameter.
Create and customize filters for your online store using the free WooCommerce Product Filter WordPress plugin. This is an ideal way to make the purchase process really simple and enjoyable for users of your site without any special coding knowledge. Filter by price, categories, tags and attributes, enable or disable ajax search, use the extensive sorting options and precisely adjust the price range.

Full List of Options by WooCommerce Product Filter

  • Filtering by any parameter

WooCommerce Product Filter with advanced filters for your customers and full control for you is a “Must Have” for any online store!
With the help of the plugin, your customers can filter products by any criteria —

  1. Price
  2. Price range
  3. Sort by
  4. Categories
  5. Tags
  6. Author
  7. Featured
  8. On sale
  9. In Stock,
  10. In Stock, Out of Stock, On Backorder
  11. Rating
  12. Search by text
  13. Attribute

You can enable an unlimited number of filters

You can sort your filters and arrange them in any order.

Arrange filters by dragging and dropping the online builder.

With WooCommerce Filter “Show count option” you can display the number of products matching the selected category, tag or attribute. An option is available for displaying in the dropdown and multiple dropdowns, checkbox and colours lists on the frontend.

You can choose whether all the selected filter parameters will be shown, and where they will be located

Choose your way of displaying the Title and description of the filter . Experiment and improve the appearance of the entire table with the WooCommerce Product Filter

  • Hidden, closed, opened filter label

Set whether to Show  Title Lable :  (No; Yes, show as close; Yes show as opened)

By default, the button is not displayed.
You can enable it, and specify how it will be displayed in the design tab by choosing the option Display Hide Filters button.

WooCommerce Product Filter plugin with Ajax let filtering starts as soon as filter elements change and the page reloads automatically, filter results are displayed instantaneously.

To enable Ajax option, move to the Design Tab and enable a checkbox

  • Display on Mobile/desktop

The plugin comes with enabled responsive mode and displays on mobiles and desktops by default. But if for some reason you need to display filter only on mobile or only on the desktop, you can set it up. Move to the Options tab and select, where to display filter.

Here you may set the value of prise increase step. The default value is set to 20. All the steps are equal. When setting the step, please note that the number of elements in the list should not exceed 100, otherwise the step setting will be reset and automatically calculated

Here you can set the filter block height in pixels. If not filled, then the height is calculated automatically based on the content of the filter. Please note that if the value of the Maximum height in frontend of the filter is greater than the specified value, some data may be hidden.

Overlay in WooCommerce Product Filter is a stylish custom transition between the beginning and the result of filtering.
Overlays as well as the loader will help smooth out negative expectations. If the application offers the user something interesting during the download, this allows you to distract him from the fact of expectation.

WooCommerce Product Filter is a fully customizable filter that will make your store more attractive and successful.
By adjusting the width of the filters and adjusting the width of the blocks, you can use every pixel of your store to good use.

Customize the look and functionality of your plugin to your preference.

Show Clear all button.If this option is enabled, the “Clear” button appears at the page. All filter presets will be removed after pressing the button.

Show Clear block.If this option is enabled, the “< clear” links appears at the page next to the filter block titles. The presets of this filter block will be deleted after clicking on the link.

This button is necessary, when ajax mode is disabled. It allows users to set all necessary filter parameters before starting the filtering. This option is not available when Ajax is enabled.

Create your own filter button text in the Filtering button text.Here you may change filtering button word

Creative progress indicators can smooth out negative expectations. If the application offers the user something interesting during the download, this allows you to distract him from the fact of expectation.
Select the loader icons from the list or add custom ones. You can completely control the icon, changing its color, tone.

Here you may select the price filter skin.The following price filter skins are available to you
AlsoYou can improve the look of your filter by choosing any skin color.

In Product Filter, you can use text search as one way to filter.
You can set and customize the title and description.
Set how the filter will be displayed.
Choose what parameters the filter will search for.
Install Full Word Search Only
And also choose what you need to Exclude from search results.

  • Customising the “no products found” text

The option allows you to select the text that will be displayed if results are not found when the user is trying to find or filter products. For example, this message will appear if you have no products on your site, or if you’re showing a category with no products.

The default text is: “No products found”
But you change this in the design of the tab. Just enter your custom text in the “Set no products found text” field.

The image display function allows you to display a category image when filtering (does not work with a drop-down menu)

” Show hierarchical “option is available in the category filter that canShow paternal and subsidiary categories (for checkbox list).

  • Recount products by selected filter

To enable this option open the tab design and check the box for Recount products by selected filter.

After enabling this parameter, the plugin will automatically recalculate the product according to the selected filters

To enable this option move to the design tab and check the box Sort by title after filtering

After enabling this option, all products after filtering will be sorted by title.

  • Display Items in a Row

By default, this option is disabled. And the filter elements are located as vertical lists.
But if you want the filter elements to be arranged in a row, open the design tab, and check the Display items in a row

  • Display “View more”

This is a very convenient option if the filter contains a lot of elements. If you use a vertical list of displaying table elements, you can enable the “View more” button.
In the design tab, check the Display “View more”

  • Set number of displayed products

When the page is first loaded, the store displays the quantity of goods set in its settings.
If you set a number here, then after any filtering the number of products indicated here will be displayed

  • Do not run filter on page load

This Option prevents the filter from starting when the page loads, even if it contains blocks with the “Selected categories/tags/attributes will be marked as default” flag enabled.

Here you can Show on front-end as radio buttons list, drop-down, multiline star rating and single line star rating.
Depending on whether you need one or several attributes to be available at the same time, you also may show your attributes list as checkbox or dropdown.

With this option, the filter elements selected by you or customers may appear at the top of the list. (For a filter with checkboxes)

You can Choose on which pages you want to display the product filter:

  • Shop;
  • Product category;
  • Product tag;
  • All.
  • Live Preview

Any changes you make when creating the filter will be displayed in the preview window, and you can check how the table looks on desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices.

  • Usage Statistics

You can enable this option in the Plugin Settings to help improve our plugin.
This option sends us data on how the user uses the plug-in, in order to study statistics and type of improvement of functionality
This will help us make our solution better for you.

Full list of options by WooCommerce Product Filter

Take full advantage of our plugin by customizing every element of product filter, giving it a unique style.
Change and improve the appearance of the product filter to make your store beautiful and convenient for all your customers.
Also, if you have any questions? Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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